NM Tints LLC
Service Disclaimer
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates is/are not responsible for any damage noticed before, during, or after said services are applied to the client’s respective vehicle.
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates has/have full discretion to replace or not replace any vehicle parts considered by the client or NM Tints LLC, its employees, and/or its associates to be damaged or problematic before, during, or after completion or application or any service.
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates is/are not responsible for any dust or debris that is found to be underneath tint, wrap, ppf, or paint on any part of a client’s respective vehicle.
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates has/have full discretion to issue or not issue any refunds or replacement for services in which were performed on a client’s respective vehicle.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates understand effects such as harmonic distortion and dot matrices that may alter the appearance of tint on a client’s respective vehicle.
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates is/are not responsible for electrical or other issues noticed before, during, or after said services are applied to a client’s respective vehicle.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates understand the respective laws of the state in which they reside and accept full responsibility and ownership of all services applied to the client’s respective vehicle.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates understand the manufacturer warranty (if applicable) provided with the service(s) applied to the client’s respective vehicle.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates understand the cosmetic, electrical, and mechanical condition that the client’s respective vehicle is in and takes full ownership and responsibility for any damage and/or problems that the client’s respective vehicle possesses before, during, or after completion of any services applied to the client’s respective vehicle.
NM Tints LLC, its employees, and its associates is/are not responsible for any personal items left in a client’s respective vehicle at any point before, during, or after completion of any services.
NM Tints LLC reserves the right to charge a premium on vehicles that are excessively difficult to work on.
NM Tints LLC reserves the right to charge a premium on vehicles that are excessively dirty on the exterior.
NM Tints LLC reserves the right to charge a premium on vehicles that are excessively dirty on the interior.
NM Tints LLC reserves the right to alter any pricing at any time only if the client(s) is/are notified of the change before such alteration to pricing takes place on a final transaction.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC hereby agree to their vehicle, home, or office space being subjected to photo and video capture.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC hereby agree to their vehicle, home, or office space being published to internet sites, social media platforms, and other sources of public view.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC hereby agree to their vehicle, home, or office space being used for promotional purposes via photo or video capture and publication to any platform.
The client(s) of NM Tints LLC understand Section 39:3-75.2, referenced in Assembly No. 2233 of the State of New Jersey 218th Legislature, introduced February 1, 2018 along with NJ 39:3-75.1 and NJ 39:3-75.3.
All clients of NM Tints LLC are entitled to a paper copy of this text should a paper copy be requested.